Welcome to the home of the Fuzzy Bunnies

jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

Joseph "Gaga" Ducreux

P.S. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like??

Wait, what?

And so, Blue Fuzzy Bunny gathered enough courage and said "willyoubemyfuehjufjauie girlfriend?"
"What?", replied the Pink fuzzy bunny.
"Will you be my girlfriend?", said the Blue fuzzy bunny again, speaking more clearly.

- No
- :D ...wait, what??
- Yes!!.... finally!

nada en especial

hola mi amor :D quiero que me digas que mi blog es raro n__n
te amooo :3

Necesito saber si aprobé bioquímica o.o me entraron dudas en la tarde en Henry cuando dijeron que no eran 60 reactivos como la vez pasada. Unos decían que eran 65 o más, y otros decían que hasta eran menos de 60... no sé :/

Three pink fuzzy bunnies :3

Three pink fuzzy bunnies were rolling down the hill
oh, boy, oh, joy, how fun and great it feels

Three pink fuzzy bunnies were rolling down the hill
but then they stopped 'cause one of them was ill

Two pink fuzzy bunnies were rolling down the hill
but then the devil offered one of them a deal

A pink fuzzy bunny was rolling down the hill
but then he stopped 'cause, damn, he had been killed

No pink fuzzy bunny was rolling down the hill
A fox was hungry, it was time for a good meal

P.S. the bunny that made a deal with the devil healed/cured/whatever the first bunny and brought the third one back to life. Period.

A fragment of "The Fuzzy Bunnies & Fugu"

Pink fuzzy bunny enters the room with a worried face, along with the doctor. Blue fuzzy bunny is sitting on the table, upset.

- Your wife agreed that I should break this to you.
- Is it good news, doctor?
- If, in fact, you've consumed the venom of the blow-fish, and from what the chef has told me, it's quite probable, you have twenty four hours to live.
- Wha-what? twenty four hours?! is this... for real?

Blue fuzzy bunny abruptly turns his head and looks at Pink fuzzy bunny, as if hoping to find comfort on her face, but no luck.

Pink fuzzy bunny, unable to cope with the bad news

- I'm sorry. I should leave you two alone.

The doctor leaves the room as Blue fuzzy bunny and Pink fuzzy bunny look into each other's mournful eyes. They cuddle dolefully.

"Please, don't leave me", says Pink fuzzy bunny. She sheds a tear.

Apologies for any incoherence you may find (e.g. bunnies don't eat fish)

te amo mi amorrr :3